Davis® Concepts for Life is designed to enhance the lives of those who are not on the autistic spectrum.

Davis® Concepts for Life is a unique program, created for people who simply want to:

  • Manage their stress effectively
  • Increase their focus
  • Be more organized
  • Create more order in their life
  • Improve their relationships
  • Make better decisions
  • Take more responsibility

The concepts are effective for youth (over the age of 8), teenagers, young adults and adults of any age. They can also provide a very helpful framework for families and couples who want to create positive change by implementing effective strategies and having a common language for working through situations that arise.

What is Davis® Concepts for Life?

It is an individualized program based on Ron Davis’s work - Nurturing the Seeds of Genius. This was originally created as a road map for autistic individuals to navigate their way through life but soon proved invaluable for everyone, because it addresses the fundamental life’s concepts needed to function effectively and successfully. Davis® Life Concepts provides the opportunity for you to create meaningful, lasting change in your life.

What is involved?

First, you are coached through a series of simple, effective tools to manage stress, control energy levels and maintain focus.

Next, you create clay models of 40 life-concepts, including consequence, time, sequence, order and disorder - allowing you to gain control of your environment. You will also explore concepts such as emotion, want, need, motivation, and responsibility - resulting in greater control of your internal world and the enhanced ability to apply them effectively into your life.

Benefits of the program include:

  • Increased self-awareness
  • Self-management tools to assist with:
    • stress
    • focus
    • energy levels
  • Insight into the relationship between cause and effect
  • Understanding of time, sequence and order
  • The ability to establish order in one’s environment and daily life
  • Awareness of the role that emotion plays in self-motivation
  • The ability to apply a framework to establish self-responsibility
  • Recognition of different types of relationships
  • The enhanced ability to make decisions based on what is right or wrong for self.

From Davis Autism International © DAI; Used with Permission


Of a 17 year-old Davis Concepts for Life Client

Hey I thought I would give you some feedback on A that I have received from various family members and friends who aren't around very much. I've had numerous people tell me that they have noticed a difference in A. She's more happy, more aware and better at anticipating others' needs. She joins into family stuff happily and has really unplugged. She completed her college applications that she was wanting to do on largely her own steam. She has started to work a bit for our flooring business. And doesn't play the victim/blame game half as much.

She's also more social and willing to go out of her comfort zone more.

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