Math is Life

A couple of weeks ago, a good teacher friend of mine posted a link to this article by Brett Berry on her Facebook page. Now, this friend historically has not been a fan of math, but she took some required math courses this summer and came back with an excitement ...

Development of a Learning Disability

Why do some students seem to move through the school system with such ease, while others seem destined to struggle? It could be because of their thinking style. There are two mental processing styles: verbal and non-verbal. All people begin life as non-verbal “picture thinkers”. As language is introduced and ...
Finding Direction

Finding Direction – a Journey of Overcoming Dyspraxia

“Directionally Challenged”…that is a phrase that once was used to describe me. I grew up directionally challenged. “Wrong-way Keogh” was a nickname jokingly coined by one of my high school coaches after I shot at the wrong basket during an exciting game. The following spring, I threw the discus into ...

Participating in Sports can be a POSITIVE LIFE Experience

On Saturday afternoons, across the country, one will find gymnasiums and playing fields full of friends and family gathered as spectators, cheerleaders, and coaches. Whether it be gymnastics or soccer--t-ball or football, there is an expectation that our children will participate in an organized sport sometime in their childhood. Sports ...
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